If a person is living in Canada and his parents or grandparents are living in his home country, then a super visa can be applied for them. Through super visa, the family, i.e. parents and grandparents, can visit Canada and they won’t even have to leave Canada or to renew their residential status for about five years.

Eligibility and Requirements to Apply for Parent- Grandparent Super Visa

Here are some eligibility requirements for those who want to apply for the Parents-Grandparents super visa.

1. The sponsor (the son/daughter or grandson/granddaughter) must be a permanent resident of Canada or a citizen.
2. However, if their child or grandchild is temporarily working in Canada, then they cannot apply for Super Visa. But in that scenario, a visitor visa can be considered.
3. A letter of invitation from the child or grandchild who resides in Canada.
4. Documents proving that the child or grandchild meets the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) minimum.
5. A birth certificate or other document proving the relationship with the child or grandchild.
6. Proof of medical insurance with a Canadian company for a period of at least one year.

Parent- Grandparent Super Visa Application Process

Super visa requirements are somehow similar to visit visa requirements and process, the applicant must show ties to his home country, the purpose of travel and financial support ..etc.
The good thing about the Super visa is that it is valid for 10 years and the visitor can stay in Canada for 5 years instead of six months.

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